Regulatory Document Search
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Search tips

To find the most accurate SDS, it is best to search by the Canadian Tire Product Number. If you do not have the Canadian Tire Product Number, please search by the Product Name.

1) Canadian Tire Product Numbers are in the format:XXX-XXXX-D. To search by Canadian Tire Product Number:

  • Enter the number without dashes: XXXXXXX
  • Do not enter the last digit after the last dash: XXX-XXXX-D
  • If you have a 6-digit Product Number (XX-XXXX-D), you must add a leading zero:0XXXXXX
  • i.e. Product Number: 028-0221-0 would be entered as 0280221

2) To search by Product Name: Enter the exact name located on the package. i.e. MotoMaster Compressor Oil. This may display multiple SDS’s to select from. Scroll down to locate the most applicable SDS.

3) Other Options:

  • You can search by Product Category i.e. oil
  • You can search by Product Brands i.e. MotoMaster
  • This may display many different SDS’s with ‘oil’ or ‘MotoMaster’ in the description. Scroll down to locate the most applicable SDS.

If you are still unable to locate the correct SDS feel free to please contact ENVIROHS at Thank you and have a nice day!